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Saturday, May 23, 2009

My First Post

When I first heard the word 'blog' I immediately assumed that it was some game that some crazy kids must've came up with,which probably involved throwing stuff at one another.I don't know why I thought that,but I did.Anyways,as I gradually learnt about the entire concept,a new theory started forming in my mind.I came to a conclusion that all these bloggers are actually a bunch of attention seeking people who constantly want other people to know about them,to follow their views and also engage them in their day-to-day lives.All so that they can go to bed at night knowing that somewhere,someplace their thoughts and experiences have affected somebody in some way or the other.How pathetic.

But that was then,and now is now.

Now,as I'm writing my first post on my blog,I just realized something about my bloggers-are-attention-seeking-idiots theory.

I realized that I was bloody
RIGHT all this time!!
I mean c'mon the mere fact that there are a certain bunch of people in this world who are actually spending their time reading the shit that you write is so freaking awesome!!!
But hell,who am I to comment;because after all even I've joined the bandwagon now and I've got to admit I'm finding that blogging thing is kinda cool.So this is it......My First Post.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your first views on blogging are indeed "the whole truth and nothing but the truth"....."so help them god"........Nevertheless lets hope this provides us with a channel to vent out all the crap that usually pervades our study sessions...Happy Blogging!!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I just deleted a comment which said "one side of my mind agrees with you and the other doesnt,about your theory, but yeah, nice blog".

    I deleted that comment to now say: I totally agree.

    Nice Blog :)
